Nobody knows the employment marketplace better than a professional recruiter. In-house human resources, no matter how effective (or Internet-savvy), view the marketplace through an imperfect or misrepresentative prism and tunnel vision is a frequent occupational hazard.

The recruiting process performed by a search professional that is continuously tapped into the talent marketplace is always faster and more efficient than when the process is started from scratch. For every day that a key opening remains unfilled, a company is losing money on an open territory. And this doesn’t factor in the profit opportunities or competitive advantages lost to a company by a position remaining unfilled.

Our recruiters help with “Post-Hire Downtime” – Not only is speed an essential part of the professional recruiter’s process, the ability to locate a person who can immediately “hit the ground running” with a minimum of “ramp-up time” saves time after the hire. All too often, a hire selected through less effective sources drawing from a smaller talent pool requires several months of expensive training and orientation.

Professional recruiters often recognize and have a duty to inform clients that they may be mistaken as to the type of person sought, the salary required to attract them or the possibilities that the solution might just lie in areas outside the traditional target industries; something an internal recruiter is politically disinclined to do. Too many hirers fail to understand that a professional recruiter’s primary function is not necessarily to fill a slot but to provide the right candidate.

RecruitersWorking with a recruiter saves valuable time for a company because recruiters will frequently have candidates in their pipeline who are available to interview immediately.

Our recruiters can act as a middleman in salary negotiations between the company and the candidate. It is widely accepted that a Head Hunter will extend the offer to the candidate on behalf of the company and sometimes Recruiters also do this. We are also able to be the “bad guy” for you when turning down a candidate.

We are so confident that we can successfully fill your sales opening that we work on a contingency basis, meaning there is no upfront cost to you.